oil change on car

    Keeping vehicles on the road

    Athlon aim to support our customers when they need it the most, whenever they need it. If our frequently asked questions do not address your query, please get in touch with us directly and we will be happy to help.

     man charging car


    Athlon365 is our dedicated online portal for our fully maintained customers, making managing Service, Maintenance and Repair (SMR) bookings quick and easy. We’ve put online booking forms and up-to-date emergency contact information at your fingertips for convenience and confidence 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

    Maintained customers
    Family on holiday

    Travelling abroad

    Request a VE103 and let us know when and where you will be taking your vehicle and we will supply the required paperwork, to make sure you are covered.

    Travelling abroad

    Collections & inspections

    Before booking your collection, please take the time to familiarise yourself with the BVRLA return standards and take a look at our 9 point checklist

    Collections and inspections


    Wear & Tear - Cars

    We work closely with the BVRLA to assess all vehicles against the current BVRLA Fair Wear & Tear standards.

    Please refer to Athlon's Car BVRLA Wear & Tear Guide, linked below, for more information.

    Wear & Tear - Vans

    There are specific requirements for vans, when assessing for Wear & Tear.

    Please refer to Athlon's Van BVRLA Wear & Tear Guide, linked below, for more information.

    Get in touch

    Woman on phone

    How can Athlon help you?

    Mobility is about moving from A to B. Is there any reason it should be more complicated than that? Let us know where you want to go. We look forward to getting you there.

    Contact us