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Une grosse bosse, une fissure dans le pare-chocs ou une égratignure... une seconde d'inattention ou simplement de la malchance suffit parfois pour occasionner des dommages. Heureusement pour vous, nous pouvons rapidement prendre le relais! Signalez-nous tout dommage dans les 24 heures et nous nous occupons du reste.
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Athlon utilise des cookies pour enregistrer les préférences des utilisateurs et optimiser la conception de ses sites Web. Cela augmente la convivialité de notre site Web et peut également vous montrer du contenu basé sur l'utilisation. En consentant, vous acceptez également que les données puissent être transférées vers des pays en dehors de l'EEE. Dans ces pays, les autorités peuvent avoir un accès plus facile à ces données et vous pouvez avoir moins de droits pour vous opposer à cet accès, par rapport à l'Union européenne. Vous pouvez révoquer votre consentement volontaire à tout moment avec effet pour l'avenir. Vous trouverez de plus amples informations et options de configuration sous "Paramètres" et dans notre déclaration de confidentialité.
The cookies '__RequestVerificationToken' and 'umsid' are used by the website. These cookies are first-party cookies and used by this website for making sure the website works.
Make sure that the website works
European Union (Webserver and database are located in The Netherlands)
This is a tag management system for managing JavaScript and HTML code snippets used to enable the implementation of tracking, analytics, personalization and marketing performance tags and tools.
Google Ireland Limited
Google Building Gordon House, 4 Barrow St, Dublin, D04 E5W5, Ireland
This list represents the purposes of the data collection and processing. A consent is only valid for the stated purposes. The collected data can't be used or stored for any other purpose than the purposes listed below.
This list represents all (personal) data that is collected by or through the use of this service.
In the following the required legal basis for the processing of data is listed.
United States of America
The retention period is the time span the collected data is saved for the processing purposes. The data needs to be deleted as soon as it is no longer needed for the stated processing purposes.
Below you can find the email address of the data protection officer of the processing company.
This service may forward the collected data to a different country. Please note that this service might transfer the data outside of the EU/EEA and to a country without the required data protection standards. If the data is transferred to the US, there is a risk that your data can be processed by US authorities, for control and surveillance measures, possibly without legal remedies. Below you can find a list of countries to which the data is being transferred. This can be for different reasons like storing or processing.
Click here to read the privacy policy of the data processor
Click here to opt out from this processor across all domains
Click here to read the cookie policy of the data processor
On our website we use the uMarketingSuite. This is add-on software from uMarketingSolutions, which allows us, through the use of a cookie, to analyze the website behavior of the website visitor. Based on this information, we can improve the user experience and personalize content for each specific website visitor. In order to do so, we process, amongst other things, your anonymized IP address, cookie ID, website and clicking behavior, how you got to visit our website and your browser data. uMarketingSuite has no access to this personal data. We retain this personal data for 720 days.
Analysis of visitors and their behaviour & optimization of the website
Location of Processing
European Union (Webserver and database are located in The Netherlands)
Technologies Used
This is a web analytics service.
Google Ireland Limited
Google Building Gordon House, 4 Barrow St, Dublin, D04 E5W5, Ireland
This list represents the purposes of the data collection and processing. A consent is only valid for the stated purposes. The collected data can't be used or stored for any other purpose than the purposes listed below.
This list represents all (personal) data that is collected by or through the use of this service.
In the following the required legal basis for the processing of data is listed.
European Union
The retention period is the time span the collected data is saved for the processing purposes. The data needs to be deleted as soon as it is no longer needed for the stated processing purposes.
Below you can find the email address of the data protection officer of the processing company.
This service may forward the collected data to a different country. Please note that this service might transfer the data outside of the EU/EEA and to a country without the required data protection standards. If the data is transferred to the US, there is a risk that your data can be processed by US authorities, for control and surveillance measures, possibly without legal remedies. Below you can find a list of countries to which the data is being transferred. This can be for different reasons like storing or processing.
Click here to read the privacy policy of the data processor
Click here to opt out from this processor across all domains
Click here to read the cookie policy of the data processor
The Oracle Eloqua asynchronous tracking scripts allow you to track visits to your website seamlessly without affecting the page load time for your visitors.
When you visit a website with the Oracle Eloqua asynchronous tracking scripts deployed, cookies are placed in your browser. Cookies help identify you as a website visitor according to your specific browser and computer combination in the event that you return to this domain. As visitors browse your website, Oracle Eloqua uses cookies and the visitor's IP address to build a visitor record.
n our website we use the uMarketingSuite. This is add-on software from uMarketingSolutions, which allows us, through the use of a cookie, to test different versions of a page to see which one performs best. This so-called A/B testing is being done anonymously and based on randomness each visitor gets assigned a version of the page. The version that the visitor sees is stored in database and linked to the uMarketingSuite cookie. uMarketingSuite has no access to any personal data. We retain this for 720 days.
Optimizing the conversion on our website
Location of Processing
European Union (Webserver and database are located in The Netherlands)
Technologies Used
On our website we use the uMarketingSuite. This is add-on software from uMarketingSolutions, which allows us, through the use of a cookie to personalize your website experience. Depending on previous behavior on our website, or the way you've entered the website the uMarketingSuite allows us to show different content or pages. Based on the uMarketingSuite cookie we collect the behavioral data and by the personalization module within the uMarketingSuite we have the ability to personalize the content for an individual visitor.
Optimizing your website experience by showing the visitor the most relevant data available on our website.
Location of Processing
European Union (Webserver and database are located in The Netherlands)
Technologies Used
This is a video player service.
Google Ireland Limited
Google Building Gordon House, 4 Barrow St, Dublin, D04 E5W5, Ireland
This list represents the purposes of the data collection and processing. A consent is only valid for the stated purposes. The collected data can't be used or stored for any other purpose than the purposes listed below.
This list represents all (personal) data that is collected by or through the use of this service.
In the following the required legal basis for the processing of data is listed.
European Union
The retention period is the time span the collected data is saved for the processing purposes. The data needs to be deleted as soon as it is no longer needed for the stated processing purposes.
Below you can find the email address of the data protection officer of the processing company.
This service may forward the collected data to a different country. Please note that this service might transfer the data outside of the EU/EEA and to a country without the required data protection standards. If the data is transferred to the US, there is a risk that your data can be processed by US authorities, for control and surveillance measures, possibly without legal remedies. Below you can find a list of countries to which the data is being transferred. This can be for different reasons like storing or processing.
Click here to read the privacy policy of the data processor
Click here to opt out from this processor across all domains
Click here to read the cookie policy of the data processor
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Fournit des informations à Facebook sur votre interaction avec notre site Web. Les publicités Facebook qui vous sont proposées sont personnalisées en fonction de ces informations.